Nanda, Nursing Care Plan, Nursing Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis, Nursing Interventions

5 Ways to Prevent Appendicitis Naturally

The characteristics of appendicitis is actually easy to guess, but if it is chronic can provide a variety of complications. Some people underestimate the experienced abdominal pain and a lot of people do not know that they experienced abdominal pain is appendicitis were dangerous and had to get medical treatment immediately. The appendix is silenced will experience complications. Complications that will occur when appendicitis is not addressed immediately so that rupture. When it broke the disease will have a more serious impact.

How to prevent appendicitis need to be known by the public, it is because of appendicitis is a disease that is often suffered by the public. Unfortunately, many people who were thinking wrong about this disease. They prevent a manner that they believe themselves when they believe in a way that is not necessarily effective and in accordance with medical side.

Appendicitis is a disease caused by infection. These infections occur in appendicitis and the doctor will call with inflammation in the appendix. The appendix is located in the lower right abdomen, so if you feel pain in the lower right abdomen could be the illness was appendicitis.

To reduce risk of appendicitis helps us to know what are the ways that can be used to prevent it. How that is done must be precise so that prevention would be more effective. Here are a way that you can use to prevent appendicitis:

1. Increase the body's immune system

One way you can do to prevent appendicitis is by increasing the body's immune system. The reason is when the immune system increases the food will not get into the appendix. If a weakened immune in the appendix there are foods that can later be rotting in the gut. After the decay will appear and the infection can cause people to experience abdominal pain. If not addressed the infection will cause the appendix to be broken and the infection may spread to other parts of the intestine.

2. Consume high-fiber foods

High-fiber foods are foods that can be used to prevent the occurrence of appendicitis. The reason is that there is inflammation in the appendix are caused by a buildup of feces. It could be said that people affected by constipation have a risk of developing appendicitis. Therefore, people who often suffer from constipation it is better to consume foods high in fiber such as gelatin, vegetables and fruits. Because of all these foods contain lots of fiber. Fiber is good for digestion so that the stool will soften and smooth bowel movement. Hard stools will clog the intestine, especially the appendix.

3. Consuming lots of water

Another way to prevent appendicitis is consuming lots of water. Water can aid digestion and prevent constipation. Hard stools can be softened by fluid in the body, and therefore less people consume fluids exposed himself will be vulnerable to constipation and appendicitis. People who sit for hours in front of computers are also prone to suffer from constipation that required to consume 8 glasses of water per day.

4. Avoid foods cause constipation

There is a wide variety of foods that can cause constipation, for example is low in fiber, high-carbohydrate foods, flour and many others.

5. Avoid junk food

Consuming too much junk food can also cause a person affected by appendicitis. That's because a wide variety of content in junk food can irritate the bowel. Appendicitis can be caused by the danger of junk food even though only a small percentage, while the largest percentage caused by constipation.
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